A lot has happened since posting my last blog.
I have been doing lots of coaching but in many ways the most significent happening since the previous blog was our decision to end Test Brekkies after 18years. We received some lovely compliments per letter, phone and e-mail after the curtain came down on November 28th.
While we were aware our function on the Saturday morning of the Adelaide Test match was well supported over the years we didn't necessarily realise how important it had become as part of the Test match calendar for those who attended year after year,
Comments like "what are we going to do now? It has been a ritual for 10 years!!" were common.
In explaining the decision to end 'our' ritual which started in 1992 we simply felt it was time.
We had become to rely on the same people year after year and it was not fair on them.
With Brekkie tickets at $75 and Test match tickets at $70 it had become an expensive day for the majority of our loyal band of supporters.
Guest speakers at the finale were Sir Richard Hadlee, Michael Slater, Barry Jarman, Ian Chappell, Eric Freeman and Ken 'KG' Cunningham. Some say it was our best ever. If so it was a great way to finish.
I am 65 next September so perhaps age also had something to do with the decision!!
Ann and I are delighted and proud of the impact Test Brekkies had on the lives of the many supporters.
Some had come to almost all (19 or 20), some for at least the last 10 years or so but only Bob Day of Homestead Award Winning homes had been every year since inception.
It was only one day a year (occasionally two when CA played with our dates) but it seemed like each Brekkie lasted until the next one.
We will miss it.